
Why Nidah Barber Confidently Promotes Chemical Peels to Improve the Skin

Nidah Barber

When it comes to the effectiveness of skin treatments, a lot of people rely on the testimonies of others who have tested them. Before people try a specific treatment like a chemical peel, they read reviews and see what others have to say. Chemical peel expert Nidah Barber is not only a firm believer in the effectiveness of the treatment but is also at the forefront of creating safe formulations that will generate the best results on the skin. 

Chemical peels have many known benefits, including improving the skin’s clarity, color, tone, and texture. The process stimulates new collagen and healthy skin cell growth, often resulting in radiant-looking skin. It is known to reduce discoloration brought about by sun damage and is highly effective in clearing up breakouts. Individuals conscious about their fine lines and wrinkles might find chemical peel interesting as it has the unique ability to smoothen them. 

Nidah experienced the impressive results of a chemical peel treatment first-hand 12 years ago. She was impressed by the immediate results on her face, including brighter and smoother-looking skin. As can be expected, Nidah was hooked. The results compelled her to further research chemical peels and the different kinds of acids being used. That single event in her life greatly influenced the future direction she would take, going on to become a licensed aesthetician specializing in chemical peels. Nidah pursued an extensive education in advanced chemical peel biology to hone her knowledge and is now considered an expert in hyperpigmentation, melasma, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Interestingly, Nidah has been in the business for the past 12 years. 

It is common knowledge that many consumers are still apprehensive about trying the procedure for fear of its side effects on their skin. But after over a decade of offering her high-quality products and services, Nidah is convinced she has succeeded in breaking the stigma on chemical peels. She recommends they begin with the milder formulations and work their way up eventually. Furthermore, she understands that consumers’ hesitation stems from their lack of knowledge of the treatment. 

Throughout the course of her exciting career as an aesthetician and entrepreneur, she has done more than 30,000 chemical peels. For Nidah, there is no one like her anywhere else in the world today. She is the creator of the well-known SmoothPeel foot peel, which was featured in Insider Beauty and Refinery 29. Over time, Nidah came up with other kinds of chemical peels for hands, legs, arms, and torso. 

Thanks to the pandemic, Nidah was able to develop her two-step layered application and introduce the first professional home peel. Despite the tough times, Nidah managed to find her silver lining and never gave up on her company, The Peel Connection

“I believe the keys to my success are believing in what I do and always knowing there is more to learn. When you are open to learning more, things can only progress and get better. If you can make a person’s experience and result better or are constantly finding ways to do so, there is no way you can lose. Especially if you are willing to work at it,” Nidah revealed. “I am very driven and passionate about what I do, so none of this seems like work at all. It’s just challenging to me in a good way.”The future’s looking bright for The Peel Connection, and Nidah is determined to take her company to the next level. Her long-term goal is for her company to become a household name, which is not far from happening with the amount of dedication and work she puts in.

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